MSBI Course
MSBI or Microsoft Business Intelligence training covers SQL, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
SQL Training Topics
- SQL Syntax
- SQL Select
- SQL Distinct
- SQL Where
- SQL And & Or
- SQL Order By
- SQL Insert
- SQL Update
- SQL Delete
- SQL Demo
- SQL Try It
- SQL Advanced
- SQL Top
- SQL Like
- SQL Wildcards
- SQL In
- SQL Between
- SQL Alias
- SQL Joins
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL Left Join
- SQL Right Join
- SQL Full Join
- SQL Union
- SQL Select Into
- SQL Create DB
- SQL Create Table
- SQL Constraints
- SQL Not Null
- SQL Unique
- SQL Primary Key
- SQL Foreign Key
- SQL Check
- SQL Default
- SQL Create Index
- SQL Drop
- SQL Alter
- SQL Increment
- SQL Views
- SQL Dates
- SQL Nulls
- SQL isnull()
- SQL Data Types
- SQL Functions
- SQL Functions
- SQL avg()
- SQL count()
- SQL first()
- SQL last()
- SQL max()
- SQL min()
- SQL sum()
- SQL Group By
- SQL Having
- SQL ucase()
- SQL lcase()
- SQL mid()
- SQL len()
- SQL round()
- SQL now()
- SQL format()
- Stored Procedure
- Function
- Cursor
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Training Topics
- Introduction to SQL Server Integration Services
- Guided tour of Business Intelligence Development Studio
- Introduction to Data Flow
- Data Sources
- Data Flow Transformations
- Advanced Data Flow
- Data Flow Destinations
- Introduction to Control Flow
- Advanced Control Flow
- Variables and Configurations
- Debugging, Error Handling and Logging
- Extending SSIS through Custom Code – Scripting
- SSIS Package Deployment
- SSIS Package Management
SQL Server Reporting Services Training Topics
- SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Architecture
- Authoring Reports
- Creating basic reports
- Leveraging expressions
- Grouping and sorting data
- Implementing Parameters and Filters
- Building parameters into reports
- Restricting report data with filters
- Leveraging Advanced Reporting Features
- Combining data regions in one report
- Presenting data with appropriate detail
- Deploying and Delivering Reports
- Deploying reports to the server