JavaScript and Jquery Course
JavaScript and Jquery Training in Noida by 13+ Experienced IIT Alumni, Certified Corporate Trainer with Advance JS, AJAX, Fetch API, JSON ES6 to ES14, Web API Integration.
Javascript is prototype based general purpose programming language used in both frontend and backend. Javascript can insert dynamic content into a webpage, validate form data, handle events, add interactivity, and create animations. Javascript is loosely typed, but case sensitive.
HTML is used to build structure of a webpage, css is used to add style, but javascript is used to add functionality. Events like mouseover, click, keypress, keyup, mousemove etc are part of javascript.
JavaScript is one of the most demanding technology in modern web applications. JavaScript can compile or interpret based on runtime environment.
To learn javascript, you should be familiar with HTML & CSS Basics.
Javascript Course
- Javascript
- Client Vs Server side JavaScript (Node JS)
- Add Javascript in HTML
- Javascript syntax
- Javascript comments
- Javascript variables, var, let and const
- Javascript data types
- Javascript Strings
- Javascript Numbers
- Javascript functions
- Javascript If Else
- Javascript Switch
- Javascript Try Catch
- High Order Functions
- Closure
- Function return function
- Callback Functions
- Javascript DOM
- DOM Selectors
- DOM Properties and methods
- Javascript events and Event Handlers
- Advance events listeners
- Javascript console
- Javascript Arrays
- Javascript Objects
- Javascript JSON
- Javascript AJAX
- Javascript fetch API
- Javascript OOPS
- Javascript closures
- Javascript ES6 to ES13
- Javascript setInterval and SetTimeout
- Javascript Date Objects
- Javascript Windows Object
- Javascript History Object
- Javascript Navigator Object
- Javascript Screen Object
- Javascript Regex Object
- Javascript cookies
- Web storages
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Geo Location
- HTML5 Canvas
- Debuggers
Advance JavaScript
- JavaScript OOPS
- JavaScript Prototype
- JavaScript Constructor
- Callback Functions
- Advanced Arrays Techniques
- Closure
- let & Const
- Math Object
JS ES6 to ES14
- What's new in JS ES6
- let & Const
- Template Literals
- Arrow Functions
- Destructuring assignment
- Constructor
- Prototype
- Modules
- Spread operator
- Rest Parameter
- Generators
- Class
- Fetch API
- Promises
- Async and Await
Jquery is a most popular Javascript library used for wide range of actions like event handling , DOM manipulation, animations, and ajax interaction, for faster web applications. JQuery can simplify javascript as jquery syntax is light weight and easy to use. Unlike Javascript, Jquery is not browser embedded, so we need to attach jquery file( jquery.js or jquery.min.js) to webpage first, and then use jquery syntax.
Jquery tag line is " write less, do more"
To learn jquery, you should be familiar with HTML & CSS and javascript basics.
Jquery Course
- Jquery Intro
- Jquery Installation
- Jquery CDNs
- Jquery ready function
- Jquery Selectors
- Jquery events
- Jquery DOM
- Jquery Selectors
- Jquery slide effect
- Jquery fade effect
- Jquery toggle effect
- Jquery CSS
- Jquery animations
- Jquery easing
- Jquery scroll
- Jquery Tabs
- Jquery Drop down menu
- Jquery collapsible
- Jquery accordions
- Jquery Carousel
- Jquery User Interface
- Jquery AJAX
- Jquery bxSlider
- Jquery parallax effect
- Jquery Lightbox
- Jquery no conflict
JavaScript and Jquery Training Features
- 20 to 25 Students in a batch.
- Completely Practical classes.
- Weekend, weekdays and online batches
- Separate Doubt sessions.
- Complete Study Material
- Free Video Sessions for Revision
- Duration: 30 Hours
- Download curriculum
- Javascript Tutorial
- Jquery Tutorial

JavaScript Jquery Trainer Profile
Mr Avinash Malhotra
Web Designer and UI Developer at Tech AltumScored AIR 120 in GATE 2011.
Studied in IIT Kharagpur.
11+ Experience in Web Designing and User Interface Development.
Working as a Corporate Trainer and Freelancer from last 12 Years.
Microsoft Certified HTML5 & Javascript Developer.
Till Now Trained 6000+ Students.